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Parks, Recreation and Culture

Yellow Springs values its commitment to open space, conservation, recreation, culture and the arts.

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Photo Aug 28, 2 33 03 PM.jpg

Yellow Springs values conservation, open space, recreation and the arts.  With the annexation of Glen Helen, the Village has over 500 acres (nearly 30% of all land uses) dedicated to parks, conservation or open space uses.  Park and recreational opportunities exist in abundance throughout and adjacent to the Village including:


  • Ellis Park

  • Gaunt Park

  • Bryan Center

  • Duncan Park

  • Beatty-Hughes Park

  • Hilda Rahn Park

  • YS Toddler Park

  • YS Skate Park

  • YS Women’s Park

  • Little Miami Bike Trail

  • Glen Helen Nature Preserve

  • Mills Lawn playground

  • Antioch College Tennis Courts

  • Yellow Springs High Schools Track and Athletic Fields

  • John Bryan State Park

  • Clifton Gorge

  • Little Miami Scenic Trail


Each of these facilities varies in size, purpose, amenities, utilization and ownership.  The ownership and maintenance responsibility within the Village of these parks, playgrounds and open space is mainly shared among four agencies:  The Village of Yellow Springs, Yellow Springs Schools, Antioch College and Glen Helen Association.  Through maintenance and upkeep efforts, each of these agencies contribute to the physical well being of every resident.




  1. Review Park Land Dedication Requirements

Currently, regulations require a 5% dedication of land for parks, playgrounds or open space for subdivisions of 50 acres or more; and a 15% set-aside for Planned Unit Developments.  There are currently no undeveloped tracts of land remaining in the Village that are above the 50-acre threshold and available for development. 


The Village should review its Park Land Dedication requirements to:

  • Determine if the 50-acre threshold for park dedication is too high and should be lowered, so smaller subdivisions are required to dedicate park land.

  • Establish a fee-in-lieu of park land dedication.  Where appropriate, rather than develop additional parkland or open space, developers could pay into a fund reserved for paying the costs of upgrading adjacent or nearby parks.  A fee-in-lieu may be appropriate when a new park or open space is not in the best interest of the community, such as where there are nearby parks and/or the dedication severely reduces the number or affordability of the potential housing units.


2. Update the Park Master Plan

The last park plan was completed in 1998 and many of the recommended improvements have been completed.  The Village and its stakeholders should update the Parks Master Plan keeping its parks and recreational offerings relevant and providing the amenities desired by current and future residents.


3. Develop a Dog Park

One of the top priorities indicated by the community is the development of a dog park within the Village.  Dog parks can greatly add to the social interaction within a community.  However, they must be designed and operated in a deliberate manner to avoid becoming an irritation to surrounding residents.

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